Bring out the best in your classroom

Experience the transformative power of technology!

Helping 1 million + users to grow

100+ schools and academy trusts, 57 municipalities, and 1+ million users have benefited from our educational products and solutions.

Every school, teacher, and student has their own goals and ambitions, yet, getting there can sometimes be exhausting, time consuming, and stressful.

We believe that working with our users helps us tailor solutions to your individual needs and gets you closer to reaching your goals.

We believe that working with our users helps us tailor solutions to your individual needs and gets you closer to reaching your goals.

Personalised learning

Greatness lies within everyone.

Yet, getting the best out of each student can be challenging. We understand that time and personalised learning is key for both teacher and student success. As a result, we have used research, feedback and academic studies to create solutions that meet the complex needs of the individual – in this way everyone can achieve their true potential.

Want a Google Premier Partner on your team?

Does your school need help with Chromebooks, G Suite for Education or developing great readers and writers?

We’ve got you covered!

As both a language company and a Google for Education Premier Partner we help develop greater literacy skills and allow academic institutions to make the most out of G Suite school accounts.

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