Learning grammar actively

TxtAnalyser drives individual progress

Create individual opportunities for improvement

TxtAnalyser is a dynamic language tool that finds and corrects spelling errors and grammatical mistakes. As a teacher, it provides you with a complete overview of your class, allowing you to track the individual progress of your students. It saves teaching time, allowing you to focus on what students write instead of how they write. The tool is quick and easy to implement and benefits both teachers and students!

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Analyse and inspect text

TxtAnalyser scans student’s written prose for grammatical errors, punctuation mistakes, syntax errors and even accidental typos. Apply TxtAnalyser’s suggested corrections instantly with the “replace”-button and even get a visual explanation of the error via an embedded video clip. It can also highlight verbs, nouns and adjectives to help teach more sophisticated sentence structures.

Reclaim teaching time

Upload student assignments to TxtAnalyser and it will automatically identify spelling and grammatical mistakes, to let you focus on providing feedback on content. The tool provides detailed analysis of the written progress of individual students and class groups over time.

Increase individual learning with TxtAnalyser

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