Word prediction box

AppWriter has full integration with Microsoft Office. Example, when you open Word or Outlook and start typing, you’ll get word suggestions directly in your document:

The word prediction box operates as follows:

  • The prediction box shows as soon as you enter a character on the keyboard.
  • Click on the play icon next to each word to hear how it is pronounced.
  • Click on a word in the list to insert it into the document.
  • You can also navigate the list by using the arrow keys. Press “Ctrl + Down Arrow” to enter the list. When you find the right word, you can insert it by clicking “Enter”.
  • Click the arrow on the right to see the words from your custom dictionary.

Context-dependent word suggestions

AppWriter’s word suggestion is context-dependent and looks at the context you write when adding words. It can also provide simple word suggestions that can help build sentences.

Move the word prediction box

As a starting rule the word prediction box follows the cursor when you type in a document. The word prediction box may also be moved to another locations on the page.